How to Move to a New House Efficiently

How to Move to a New House Efficiently

Delays and interruptions can cost you significant time and energy when planning to move to a new home. While it’s true that you can’t prepare for all contingencies, you can at least minimize the headaches and stress associated with a move. Here are five ways to move to a new house or condo more efficiently.

Buy the Supplies Beforehand

Think of this as a sort of a pre-move process- gather all the things you need to pack, including boxes, tape, label makers, newspaper, bubble wrap, and others. These can be bought from any grocery store or hardware shop.

Pack Your Things Per Room

To keep everything organized from packing to unpacking, it’s best to go from one room to another and pack the items there in a single box(es). Label the box so you won’t have to guess later when you’ve unloaded in The Arcady at Boon Keng condo.

Make a List of Items to Keep and Sell

Selling things you won’t need in your new house can save you a lot of time and energy. Go around the house and make a list of items to sell. You can put it up online or on social media along with a high-resolution photo and helpful description.

Get Everyone to Help

More hands make for lighter weight, and the same applies to when you’re packing and moving house. Delegate the chores to all your family members, making sure they can handle the task with minimal supervision. On a side note, you can enlist the help of friends or loved ones and invite them to a housewarming party later on.

Consider a Moving Service

If you’re pressed for time and swamped with obligations like work and such, consider a moving service that can do it all. Sure, you may have to pay more but then all the grunt work is done for you.